
FREE Shipping within Metro Manila.

Return & Refund Policy accepts authorized returns within 30 calendar days of the date the product was purchased. All authorized returns must be unused and in their original condition, include all items and components that were included in the original package.

If you have already installed your part and you would like to exchange it under warranty, please contact us through email, phone or chat, then a representative will process your claim, and contact you within 24-48 business hours.

For standard returns, please allow up to 7 business days for a refund to be completely processed after your return is delivered back to our warehouse.

  • Up to 3 business days to check the return in.
  • Up to 2 business days to process the refund.
  • Up to 2 business days for your payment provider (credit card company, PayPal, GCASH, etc.) to complete the refund.

We are not responsible for missing, damaged, or incorrect parts after 30 days, regardless of the party at fault. We are also not responsible for lost or stolen packages and all such claims must be processed through the shipping company.